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Shut the fuck up bitch. You don't deserve to speak. No one gives a fuck about anything you have to say. What could you possibly have roaming around in your brain that could be of any importance? No a got damn thing. I don't even want your mouth to part like you THINK you have something to say which is why my hand is over your pathetic mouth. Sit there and follow directions. Betas like you don't deserve to have an opinion. Speak only when I say you can and only repeat what I tell you to. Otherwise, you should be silent, bitch. Just sit there and stroke to my perfect body and demeaning sexual words. femdom pov, humiliation, verbal humiliation, loser, shut【甜宠】+【玄幻】+【空间】+【女强】+十五位清朝大佬团宠的若音福晋飞升了!还带着大佬们一起飞升了!康熙爷及十四位阿哥被若音忽悠拐走了,美其名曰可成仙。一入修仙大陆,若音瞅着身边的小十四和小和尚,“那么多有脑子的,就咱没脑子,还都在一块了,呵呵……”小十四委屈巴巴:我想十三哥了。十三抱着四爷不撒手,四爷脸黑:松手,爷要找你四嫂!康熙爷找了许久,看着众儿子:若音丫头呢?四爷脸黑:和小十四在一块。八爷望天,四嫂和十四弟作天作地去了!五爷表示,完蛋了,修仙界要翻天!康熙爷眼角一抽:呵呵……准备收拾残局……【简介舞动的人鱼旋律国语版这样的安排确实可能会给林风带来极大的压力~,